WMMR Rock and Rollers are Riding for a Reason With Team HEADstrong

By: Jennifer Hoffman

Cyclists from all over the tri state area spend the month of July and August cycling 65 miles down the shore in an effort to raise funds for local charities. This year the event pivoted virtually giving riders the opportunity to put their own spin on their ride. The month-long virtual event runs from Sunday, July 26, 2020 to Sunday, August 23, 2020

Casey Foster from WMMR’s team “WMMR Rock and Rollers” selected HEADstrong to be their charity of choice for their ride the last three years. Casey has a personal connection to HEADstrong’s mission as he has lost a loved one to the disease and rides in honor of them. The connection his family has with the foundation goes as far back as his sister babysitting Nick, HEADstrong’s Founder. He was also one of the MC’s for one of the first LimeLight Gala’s.


“I’ve supported HEADstrong for years so selecting them to be our sponsor for the The Ben to The Shore Bike Tour just made sense. It’s awesome to be able to give back to such a special organization especially during this time where charitable giving is so important.” Casey said. 


At the radio station, it’s important that the guys play a charitable role and do their part giving back to the community. Casey was selected years back to head the cycle to the shore team, a position he never expected to be in. Now years later, he couldn’t imagine not doing it. He went all in, started training for the 65 mile bike ride months ahead of the actual ride, he even bought the proper footwear and bike gear. Something that was assigned to him has become something he truly enjoys. 


The Ben to The Shore Bike Tour is just another example of how many different options there are to get involved with Team HEADstrong. It isn’t just running, any type of endurance event can be used as a vehicle to help spread the foundation’s mission of improving lives affected by cancer. 


So far, the WMMR Rock and Rollers have raised almost $14,000 from which HEADstrong will receive a portion of the funds raised. 

To learn more about the bike tour and to donate to the WMMR Rock and Rollers please visit, https://www.fbbcf.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=6403 and to learn more about Team HEADstrong please visit www.headstrong.org or contact Jeff Baxter jeff@headstrong.org