The True Meaning of Thanksgiving
December 1, 2010
Ridley, PA
The HEADstrong Foundation wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many people who made Thanksgiving at the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania such a success. We are especially grateful to David Yatsk and the entire Capozolli’s Catering organization for preparing the meal and use of the vehicle to transport the meal, to Debbie Schmucker who we can always count on for the delicious desserts, to all of our volunteers who gave up their own holiday to serve the patients and their families, to Amosland Elementary School students who made such incredible get well cards, to Lois Michaliszyn for her creative photography, to Sandy, Cade and Kelton Heverly and Tommy McDermott for their assistance in putting the care packages together and to Jessy Kyle Kelly and Joe Clifford for assisting Cheryl Colleluori in distributing the care packages, Musicians on Call who volunteered providing the wonderful entertainment and finally to Daniel Colleluori for coordinating this event. The Foundation is grateful to University of Pennsylvania Hospital for allowing us to give back in the name of our founder, Nicholas “HEAD” Colleluori.