Take Action: Make the Most of Your Summer by Volunteering
Are you looking to make a positive impact on those affected by cancer? Turn your passion for helping others into action by joining the HEADstrong Foundation as a volunteer. To help get your volunteer search started, HEADstrong has rounded up a few ways to give back, while doing something you love.
Volunteer at Nick’s House
Nick’s House was inspired by our founder, Nick Colleluori, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Nick’s House provides complimentary lodging for out-of-town patients and their families who are undergoing cancer-related treatment in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. This is a guest house designed to meet the unique needs of each patient and their family. Nick’s House allows families to stay together as they fight the biggest battle of their lives. The volunteers at Nick’s House are instrumental in ensuring the smooth day-to-day operations, ensuring families feel at home.
Volunteer at HEADstrong Events
From 5Ks and golf outings to lacrosse camps and blood drives, HEADstrong has organized events in communities across the country to raise funds to help those affected by cancer. Over the past several years, the Running aHEAD of Cancer Series is a HEADstrong event that brings athletes of all abilities together running to support families overcome by cancer. Volunteers play a vital role in organizing and coordinating these events. With the help of our volunteers, we have raised over $176,000 and counting! The proceeds from these events around the country play a critical role in allowing families to go the distance against the disease.
How Volunteering Can Help YOU!
Volunteering doesn’t just allow you to join a community and make an impact, it also gives you an edge in the job market. In fact, volunteers are 27% more likely to land a job than non-volunteers. Whether you’re looking for a new job or transitioning into a new career, volunteering provides you with valuable skills and will boost your resume, allowing you to stand out among the crowd. This is one of the most popular trends that career coaches and recruiters are advising job seekers to do.
We are relentless in improving the quality of life for those affected by cancer. By becoming a volunteer at HEADstrong, you can directly help cancer patients and their families. Ready to make a difference in your community? Join our team of volunteers to help improve lives affected by cancer. Click here to volunteer!