November News From Nick’s Mom
To our HEADstrong friends and family,
We are overjoyed to report that Lacrosse Mustache Madness campaign surpassed the goal of $127,000 finishing with an unprecedented $170,000 raised with a record number of 940 growers, 2754 donors and 75 teams – how impressive!!
Special thanks to Pat Colleluori and Ken Clausen for all their efforts during this campaign. These funds will allow us to provide financial assistance to many families who have exhausted their savings and are in desperate need of help. The checks will arrive just in the nick of time for the holidays and our hope is that because of the growers, their holiday will be just a little brighter. Thank you so much for making a difference.
November was a very busy month for the HEADstrong Foundation. We thank Teva Pharmaceuticals for assisting in assembling comfort kits for patients and members of our patient services committee, Joe Clifford, Jessy Kyle, Lauren Hart and Derek Fitzgerald for joining me on Wednesday, November 25th to distribute the kits and spent time visiting with the patients at the Hospital of the University of Penn assuring them that they are not alone.
We had an incredible response to our “purchase a turkey dinner” for a patient on Thanksgiving Day. Because of you, we were able to warm hearts and bring families together as 267 turkey dinners were donated. Our supporters truly understand the meaning of giving. We are also so grateful to the 30 plus volunteers who gave up their holiday so that others could have theirs – they did an outstanding job setting up, decorating and serving over 400 dinners.
On December 20th, we will report back to the oncology floors bringing holiday cheer. Carols will be playing, Mr. and Mrs. Claus will distribute stockings full of amenities that will surely bring smiles to the and families will unite for a delicious meal celebrating the true meaning of Christmas – being together. Please help us give a stocking today at
Thank you so much for believing in the importance of our work. We are excited to see what 2016 brings and wish you and your family a blessed holiday.