Mark Nailor
When & How I was diagnosed
I was diagnosed in December 2008, several weeks after discovering a small lump in my groin. The diagnosis was Indolent Follicular Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Grade 2, Stage 3-4.
Confused, scared and not knowing where to turn, we were referred to a local oncologist Dr. Steven Cohen. I must say that Dr. Cohen and his staff are the BEST. From our initial appointment, Dr. Cohen took the time to make certain he explained the exact diagnosis, the prognosis, and all treatment options. Prior to the beginning of treatment i had a bone marrow biopsy. It showed minimal amount of cancer cells in my bone marrow.
My experiences with treatment
I was very very fortunate with my treatment. I received 6 cycles of R-CHOP, 3-weeks apart. I suffered only mild nausea for the first week following, and hair loss during treatment. The one major obstacle I had overcome was a missed treatment due to low blood counts. Due to this, I also spent 4 day in the hospital with a viral infection. I was truly scared!
What I have learned
Don’t sweat the small stuff !!! A positive attitude is the key. I stayed positive, went about my daily routine (work, ice hockey, etc) and have an awesome wife for support. I love her dearly with all my heart !!!
How I am feeling now
Today I feel great! My treatments were completed in May 2009. During my April 2010 check-up with Dr. Svoboda, I was declared to be in “Complete Remission”. I was so elated that my wife and i cried all the way home. My condition was confirmed once again during my August 2010 check-up with Dr. Svoboda.
How I got involved
I initially heard of HEADstrong through my involvement with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am currently serving on the Executive Committee for the Light the Night Walk and serving as team captain for “Miles 4 Mark” walk team in the Chester County walk. Through LLS and my condition I was invited to serve as an Honorary Captain for a team participating in the 4th Annual Nick Colleluori Lacrosse Classic.