Find Your Voice Challenge
One of the last things that Nick Colleluori said to his brother Michael was to find his voice. Now we at HEADstrong Foundation are turning that wish into a reality.
Cancer is so common that unfortunately everyone knows of at least one person who has received the life changing diagnosis. But what most people don’t know is how different their lives change in the blink of an eye.
We want you to #FindYourVoice and share your story with us. Join us in kickstarting our newest Instagram Challenge, #FindYourVoice!
Over the course of the next few weeks we want you to share your experience and how cancer has impacted your life.
The good, the bad, and the ugly we want it all.
Help shed light on the behind the scenes hardships and triumphs of cancer and let your story be heard.
So are you up for the challenge? Here is what we need from you.
Step 1: Post a short video or picture explaining your story. How has cancer affected you and your life, is there anything specific you want to share?
Step 2: Use the hashtag #FindYourVoice and tag us @HEADstrongFDN so we can repost and share your story!
Step 3: Help keep Nick’s wish alive and encourage others to find their voice and share their story.
*Disclaimer: By tagging us in your post you are subject to us sharing your story.*