Pellegrini Youth All-Star Football Classic Raises $12,500 for HEADstrong Foundation
Contact: Jennifer Hoffman
Phone: 610-461-5987 ext. 303
Pellegrini Youth All-Star Football Classic Raises $12,500 for HEADstrong Foundation
Over the course of 2 weeks, 42 kids who participated in the Pellegrini Youth All-Star Football Classic raised $12,500 for the HEADstrong Foundation through peer to peer fundraising.
Tommy Tray was the top fundraiser with $2,034, followed by Kevin Pellegrini with $1,612 and Orazio Nastase $1,014.
Each player had a direct hand in making a positive impact for families that need help to get the best possible treatment for their loved ones undergoing life saving cancer treatment.
A portion of the funds raised also went towards the Gamp Pellegrini Scholarship Fund at Malvern Prep. Gamp passed away after a long battle with cancer in 2017, but the impact that he had on the many local football players that he coached is still felt today.
“Malvern Prep and HEADstrong partnered up for a great initiative to help those in need and all star youth football.” said Dave Gueriera.
The two teams went head to head in a game that was more about focusing on their skills than the number on the scoreboard. The young athletes learned valuable lessons during the game that they can take with them when it comes time to play football in High School.
The event was a great opportunity for local youth athletes to learn about charitable giving and to improve on their football skills, learning from some of the best coaches in the area, Dave Gueriera and Kevin Pellegrini.